On 20, 21, and 22 October, we sponsored and participated in the 11th Conference of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association in Larissa. The conference was co-organized by the Hellenic Crystallographic Association and the Municipal Art Gallery – G.I. Katsigras Museum of Larissa under the auspices of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the University of Thessaly.
The aim of this meeting was to promote and support research and education in the fields of crystallography in Greece. The forthcoming conference will include plenaries dedicated to recent advances in biological NMR, CryoEM, synchrotrons, biophysical, spectroscopic methods and other related techniques for the study of materials, inorganics, small organics and biomacromolecules, emphasizing the progress of structural sciences in recent years. A workshop accompanied the conference’s scientific sessions dedicated to using the CCP4 Program Suite to determine macromolecular structures by X-ray crystallography and other biophysical techniques.
Our company hosted a Booth at the exhibition area of the conference, showcasing the latest crystallographic techniques by Cytiva, including the Xcellerex™, ÄKTA™, Amersham, και Biacore™. You may find more solutions in analytical and general laboratory equipment here.
You can view the invited speakers and detailed programme of the conference here.